Tantric Hatha Fall Series: Prana Vayus

In person experience. Fridays, 12-1:30 pm

September 20th-October 18th at Heartland Yoga 

In this 5-part series, Fannie will skillfully guide participants into a felt experience of how the pranic life force can be shaped on both subtle and gross levels. Integrating asana, pranayama, visualization, mudra and chanting, each class will focus on one specific vayu (wind/direction) of prana (energy, life force.)  Participants will learn both psychological and somatic implications of the prana vayus.  

Full Series: $108

Drop in: $30

Winter Solstice Yoga Nidra and Chai

In person experience.

Friday, December 20th 6-8 pm

 Heartland Yoga 

Celebrate the great in between life lounge in community!  Deep rest, spicy decaf chai, and contemplative connection – one of my favorite events of the year!

(Registration will open in October)
